Studio di Ingegneria

                      Ingegnere Mario Antonio Ferlito







Studio Ferlito: Via Siena 4 Catania tel. 095436233
email :

Lavori di progettazione e
direzione dei lavori di edifici per civile abitazione

Piani di sicurezza Psc e Pos

Calcoli strutturali in cemento armato

Calcoli strutture in legno

Calcoli Strutture in acciaio

Verifica strutture in muratura 

Computo metrico

Certificazione energetica

Certificati APE


Progettazione piani antincendio

" The architect has the finest job in the world because, on a small planet where everything has already been discovered, designing is still one of the greatest adventures possible . Architecture is an ancient profession, as old as hunting, fishing,tilling the fields, exploring. These are the descendend. Immediately after the search for food comes the search for shelter: at a certain point the human being was no longer content with the refuges offerred by nature, and became an architect"
                                                                                          Renzo Piano